Main information

How to order:

  1. Visit the pricelist or download it to your computer.
  2. Read it carefully and make your selection.
  3. Visit order page or fill the order at the bottom of each price list pages.
  4. Press SEND ORDER button at the end of order form.
  5. Wait for confirmation, which will be sent by e-mail.
  6. Your invoice will be sent several days later (in some cases it takes several weeks to prepare invoice for large or difficult orders). The payment instruction will be sent with the invoice.
  7. Choose payment method and make a payment.
  8. Your order will be sent immediately after the payment is received.

Price details:

All prices are in US dollars.
NO Minimum order for orders after 01.01.2003.
Discount for dealers is available.

Payment details:

Please make prepayment after receipt of confirmation of your order.
Payment should be made by:

Delivery details:

Specimens ordered will be sent to you by Air mail (3-4 weeks). Cost is $10 - $16.
Please add to the cost of the order, up to $25 for Shipping & Handling and Customs Fee .

More information:

If you want to get more information about insects, don't hesitate to contact us.

Order form is here

or at the end of each part of the price list.