Limenitis amphyssa Menetries, 1859
  Limenitis amphyssa Menetries, 1859

•TYPE LOCALITY. «Des monts Boure'ia. pres de 1'embouchure de 1'0ussouri» [Russia: Bureinskie Mts., Amur region; Ussuri region].

•RANGE. Amur and Ussuri regions; central and NE. China, Korea.

•DISTRIBUTION AND VARIATION. Over the territories concerned, the nominotypical subspecies is known to occur.

•HABITATS AND BIOLOGY. Valley deciduous or mixed forests. Flight period: June to August. Host plant (Dantchenko & Nikolaevsky, in press): Lonicera maackii.

•SIMILAR SPECIES. Limenitis doerriesi, L. homeyeri, L. helmanni: white spot in central cell constricting gradually toward base of wing. L. moltrechti: with one white spot in central cell of UPF.

Photo and text: Guide to the BUTTERFLIES OF RUSSIA and adjacent territories Volume 2. PENSOFT, Sofia - Moscow. 2000